Always facing difficulty to pose in front of camera? Well worry no more! Cause what I'm going to show you next will solve your problem!
The 7 Easy Postures for Photo Takings
1. Easiest! Bitchy
Put on your big big shades and look at the camera. DONT SMILE

2. I want to become a politician
Just simply point at something.
3. Not looking at the Camera
Look at somewhere else instead of the camera.
4. Look far far away
Just look far far away. Makes you look like you are a thinking some very important matter that involve all human kind and the whole universe!
5. Jump!
Get a group of your friends and JUMP
6. Act Cute

7. F4
Take picture of the back of you and your friends sitting together and finger pointing to the sky
These postures are applicable for ALL AGE and ALL GENDER! Get your friends and pose proudly in front of camera now!